EPIC hosted a major meeting last summer to review the proposed plan for the Hi-Lake Triangle Apartments. It is planned to be tucked into the triangle of land immediately west of the Lake Street LRT Station, just north of Lake and wedged between the Wells Fargo Bank and Hwy 55. This is an unusual development in that it is on a very tiny site, given the number of units, read on. This concerned us since it was billed as ‘for elders’ and the crime there is significant. We asked them to consider balconies to provide ‘eyes on the station and street’. Also the EPIC Board surveyed all the businesses in Hi-Lake and they were all struggling with parking issues. This 64 unit building adds very little parking. We shared these concerns and others with Wellington Developers at our meeting and have heard nothing since.
BUT NOW we may have an opportunity to express our views again.The following notice just came from the City. Mark the meeting time on your calendars and send your comments.
The City of Minneapolis invites the East Phillips Improvement Coalition, the Corcoran Neighborhood Association and the Longfellow Community Council to review and comment on the proposed Hi-Lake Triangle Apartments Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Plan and the related Modification No. 23 to the Model City Urban Renewal Plan and Modification No. 122 to the Common Development and Redevelopment Plan and Common TIF Plan (collectively, the “Plans”). The Plans are available for review on the City’s website at http://www.minneapolismn.gov/
The Plans have been prepared to facilitate Wellington Management Inc.’s development of 64 units of affordable senior rental housing and ground-floor retail space in a new six-story building on a vacant .85-acre site at 2230 East Lake Street. The site is adjacent to the Lake Street/Midtown LRT Station in south Minneapolis.
The project will include 53 one-bedroom units and 11 two-bedroom units. All units will be affordable to individuals and families earning 60 percent or less of the Area Median Income. It is anticipated that two to three retail tenants will occupy the ground-floor commercial space.
The Hi-Lake Triangle Apartments TIF Plan establishes a new housing TIF District within the existing Hiawatha and Lake Redevelopment Project. Modification No. 23 to the Model City Urban Renewal Plan and Modification No. 122 to the Common Plan change project boundaries to remove the Hi-Lake Triangle Apartments parcel from the Model City Urban Renewal Area and the Common Project Area.
The Plans are being transmitted for review and comment to the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners, the Minneapolis Board of Education, the City Planning Commission, the East Phillips Improvement Coalition, the Corcoran Neighborhood Association, the Longfellow Community Council and other interested parties.
The Minneapolis City Council can approve, amend or reject the proposed Plans after consideration of comments received. It is anticipated that the Plans will be the subject of a public hearing of the City Council’s Community Development Committee at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 in Room 317 City Hall. The City Council is expected to consider the Plans at its meeting on Friday, September 21, 2012.
We welcome your comments, which are due by noon on Monday, September 10, 2012. Please submit comments to:
Matthew Hendricks, Development Finance Analyst
Minneapolis Finance & Property Services Department
105 5th Avenue South, Suite 200
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
(612) 673-5236
If you or your organization would like to meet to discuss the proposed Plans, if you would like paper copies, or if you have questions, please contact Matthew Hendricks.
Thank you.